Tuesday, May 1, 2012

anayah blog's

cst peparation
hw read t.e.chapters 10-14
poetry projects due may 4th
t.e. packet chapters 10-14

                            so presly read his blog  and there ws no comment then presly picked me. annabelle just gave me a note and johnny has a chain in his mouth and keep making jokes like its a thing to do.mr.jones told ghislane to pass out a paper to every one and every body just kept talking today is not my day all this drama but anyways sadie died some streaks in her hair and the streaks are blond and its soo cute ther is a couple in the class but im not going to say who.daniel and taaj tradeed jackets in math class and people keep saying gramz or gramerz. jada just came over and tried to take my head band off of my head .ruben is up getting a book and everybody is doing a cst prep so its really quite.sarah is writing on her hand and  roque is talking .sarai just waved a paper in my face so i think its a symbol for hi.im sooooooooooooooooo bored right know.johnny keep making noises.all we arev doing know is reading a paper and sadie just came back from the restroom.mr.jones is about to tell us the answers to the questions.sooo i went to the councilers office and came back it was nothing bad but bye hi ms nacada

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