Monday, October 31, 2011

Ruben's Blog

NaNoWriMo Prep
HW RJ 9.1

Ms. Nakada tells us to take a piece of paper and write SPA 1. Ms. Nakada told two students to pass a answer sheet. She is explaning the test and she gave direction to the class. She said if anybody didn't get a answer sheet. Now Ms. Nakada passed out the Assessment 1 to everybody. Now she is reading the story from the assessment and told the student to write a summary for paragraph1. Now she is reading paragraph 2 and told us what happened. Now she is reading the next paragraph and told them what happened. Ms. Nakada gave instructions to the class. Now everybody is reading the assessment and writing a summary for each paragraph. She told us to stop working on our SPA 1. Now the bell rang and we left.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Trinity' s Blog

Rjs / Book Projects 
Spa Review 
HW Make-ups for 10 week grades 

After everyone came in they took out their binder reminder. Then Maor was called up to read his blog. Ms. Nakada went over the spa reviews and is collecting the book projcts and letting people take the ar test.
 Now  Ms Nakada is asking everyone to take out their nanowrimo packets. I wonder who Ms. Nakada is goning to pick to do the blog.  Now Ms. Nakada is asking everyone to write down three books that they really like. Now we are writing about our protagonist or main character. Ms. Nakada is now dimissing everyone to lunch. Well, I got to go so bye bye!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Maor's Sweet Blog

English 6
writers workshop
S.P.A. notes 
HW RJ 8.1-8.5
Book ProJects Due Tomorrow

Melissa was reading the blog. She called on me. I went up to the computer and started typing. Every body was working on writer's work shop.Every body was typing on the alpha smarts or the computers. Some people didn't finish there character essays. If you did finish you need to be writing a letter to your pen pals. The bell rang and Mrs.Nakada dismissed us by rows. Now I call on Trinity.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Melissa Blog

NaNaWriMo Prep
writers workshop
HW rj 8.2-8.4
book progects due Friday!

      Atma read his blog. Then he picked me. Ms Nakada passed out papers about NaNoWriMo to everybody. Then Ms. Nakada said, "When you're finished writing to get your alpha smart and start writing your penpals letter.'' Right now it is  of loud in the classroom. Ms.Nakada is passing out the letters from our penpals. She told us to pack up. Then the bell rang she dismissed us now.

Monday, October 24, 2011

ATMA'S sweet blog!!!

English 6
personal narrative draft 
writer's workshop
nano wri mo!
HW:rj 8.1 
book projects due Friday !!
Ms. Nakada started to read Jada's blog because she was absent, so when she was done she asked "Who hasn't done the blog." I raised my hand and she picked me. It was a miracle that she picked me. Now Ms. Nakada is writing about how to response to our pen pal's in a letter like our pen pal's did in their letters and Ms. Nakada is telling us that either we can work on our character essay, personal narrative or our pen pal letter. Now mostly everybody is getting their alpha smarts from Ms.vNakada to write their character essay and Daniel just came and looked at my work then walked away. Some people are still waiting to get their alpha smarts. Now Ms. Nakada is collecting all the alpha smarts. The bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us all!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

jada worthy

video from Ms. Dubose
Letters from penpals!
writers workshop
hw none enjoy your weekend.

The bell rang and I went to class and sat down in my seat. Then, Ms. Nakada was reading the hw and said write it down. Then she called Gary up to read his blog. When Gary was done every body started to yell out my name and I was scared because I didn't want do it. But before she made me do it we watched a video from our penpals. They are from missisippi so they had an accent but it was kind of funny. After that we read our letters from our penpals. When we finished, everybody started to finish their essay or write letters back to our pen pals. Now every body is quietly working. Then the bell rang and she said good bye to every body.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gary's blog

English 6
Emergency Procedures
due tommorow

The bell rang and we all went to class. Then we all sat down then Ms. Nakada told Ghislanie to read her blog. Then she finished so she picked me and I was nervous. Then there was an earthquake drill and we went outside.

When we got back Ms. Nakada told the class to write about a plot or a story. Most of them did it but some of them did not.

Ms.Nakada told everbody whoever finished it could go to lunch. The bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ghislaine's Blog

English 6
writers workship:
characters qualities
HW: R.J 7.2 - 7.4

Today Mark wasn't here so Ms. Nakada read his blog. After reading his blog Ms. Nakada asked the girls to raise their hands if they haven't done the blog yet and only two girls raised their hand, me and Melissa. Ms. Nakada picked me. Ms. Nakada is showing us how to write our paragraphs. After that Ms. Nakada told the students with Alphasmarts 1-10 to come up and get it. Then she did the rest. Ms. Nakada asked us to be quiet several times but we don't follow directions. She keeps telling us over and over again to keep our voices down. The kid behind me is making weird noises which is distracting me from thinking. He still keeps doing it. A lot of people are knocking the door and we keep answering. Ms. Nakada is telling several kids to take out their books and start reading instead of making trouble and fooling around. Ms. Nakada tells us to bring back the Alphasmarts. We do it. The people who didn't finish their paragraphs have to stay in. Then she dismisses us and we go to lunch :) ;) B)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mark's blog


Complete Quiz #1
Qualities of character Essay
HW RJ(7.1)

Jovi started reading her cool blog and tried to pick someone. She didn't know who to pick at first because every one was screaming "Gary, Gary" but finally she picked me. I do not know why she picked me. Anyways, I was happy I just did not show it. I got on the computer and I asked for help. Andre to the rescue. He came and wrote the agenda for me when I did not know a clue about how to start this blog. After beloved Ms. Nakada started to pass out the tests that we didn't finish on Friday.  Now there is that silent moment were no one talks and starts doing their test. It's so silent I look back to see if there is any one in the back of me every 3 seconds. Ms. Nakada dropped some cd's and I picked them up for her. Now every one is getting up and Ms. Nakada is saying, "Stay quiet and sit down." Now the bell rang and Ms. Nakada is dismissing people.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Jovi's blog

review for quiz
quiz #1
rj check
hw none

When everyone came in class Isaiah read the blog then picked me. Ms. Nakada asked for us to take our notes out to review them. After we reviewed our notes Ms. Nakada passed out a quiz. While we took the quiz it was very quiet. Some people didn't get to finish though, but Ms. Nakada said that we could finish the test on Monday. It was loud while we waited for the bell to ring. After a while the bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Isaiah's blog

character qualities essay
review for quiz
HW: study for quiz
rj 6.1-6.5 due Friday

Sarai turn to read the blog. When she was done she picked me. Ms. Nakada is now explaining qualities of character. Now Ms. Nakada wants us to make a tree map on our character qualities. Now she is leaving so Mr. Hastings is watching our class. Everyone is working VERY quietly. Ms.Nakada just walked in and Mr.Hastings left ;[ . Now Ms. Nakada is tellling us our next assignment. Now almost every one is working on our new assignment. Two students just went to the rest room one at a time. Now some of my frends walked up and asked me hows it going so I told them it's going pretty well then they got sent to thier seats. Mark asked what to write about so I tell him to write about the qualities of his character. Now, Ms. Nakada is expaining how to write our essays. She is now helping my class mates with thier work. I have just found a book Ms. Nakada wrote! Sadly it is the end of class so good bye...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sarai's Blog

literary Analysis
tree map
H.W R.J 6.2-6.4

Ms. Nakada told the class to open their notebooks to the first page and write Literary Analysis for page six. She says go to page six. She says we are going to have a test on Friday. She said, "We are going to analyze the quality of a character.'' Then she said, "We are going to write qualities about ourselves. Then she said, "Now we will write qualities about someone we know." Next she told us to write a quality about a character in the book "The Misfits." Next she told us to make a tree map and write three qualities. Ms. Nakada says "If we want to leave we have to finish our tree map." The bell rings and Ms. Nakada dismissed every one who finished their work. Now it's time to go to lunch.

Monday, October 10, 2011


computer lab
review perfect paragraph
printing highlighting
hw rj 6.1
Today, we are in the computer lab. When we walked in the room Ms. Nakada told us to sit at a pod. When we got to our table we signed in the computer so Yulany read the blog then she picked me. Ms. Nakada is telling the class to sign out of the internet. Now Ms. Nakada is giving us our alpha smarts so we can type our paragraphs on the computer. Then she told us how to type our  paragraphs on the computer. Now Ms.Nakada and   Ms. M are going around helping kids paragraphs. When we are done we have to edit our paragraphs. Ms. Nakada is telling us to be quiet because we are disturbing people around them. Now people got their paper printed and Ms. Nakada is giving it to them and telling them to highlight their sentences .If you want to print you have to get permission from Ms.Nakada.When you are finish using the computer you have to save and log off. If you didn't you have to save and log off. Now the bell rang and Ms. Nakada is dismissing the class.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yulany's blog

5 week grades
rj check
perfect paragraph
HW: Meet in Computer Lab

Ms. Nakada asked the class to take out the paragraph we wrote. Ms. Nakada told the class to take out their English scores. She said she loved meeting our families.She said if you haven't finish the perfect paragraph to go get your Alphasmart. She said if your Alphasmart is 1-10 to go get your Alphasmart. Now she 11-14 now 15-20 and so on. She said if your done with your perfect paragraph she said to start reading a book. Some of the kids thought she was going to say to finish your the homework. She said again to meet in the computer lab and that we just wait in front of the door and she was going to tell us where to sit. She said to the class that the first letter in the paragraph has to be capitalized and she said after your done to run the spell check. Now she said to take out our reading journal because she was going to check if we did the homework. Ms. Nakada is showing everyone their grade in her class and Andre is singing out of nowhere. Today the class was pretty noisy and some people didn't look too happy about their grades. Andre continues singing an odd song. Ms. Nakada said that to please have your reading journal out and that we should 5.1-5.5. Ms.Nakada is still showing kids there grade. She told the class to bring there alpha smart up. Some kids were singing a bad song and Ms. Nakada asked them if they knew what that meant and Isaiah told Ms. Nakada what it meant and it wasn't too good. Now Ms. Nakada told the class to pack up there stuff and now it is time to leave.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anthony's Blog

English 6                            
 reading for The Misfits meaning part1
HW Rj 5.1-5.5 due tomorrow                                                              

Ms.Nakada told us to take ower rj book because we where going to do vocabulary.Ms.Nakada said take out a paper and take out The Misfits so we are taking out 3 sentences and highlight noun, proper noun, verb, adverbs. We all work quietly but not that quiet. Ms.Nakada gave us more time to be done with the class work. Ms. Nakada stop us and gave us a new thing to do and find a simple sentence we all got back to work . Ms.Nakada was doing the same thing we where doing. We had to print out perfect paragraph.People were getting out of there sets to get a alphsmart.The  bell rang and we all left to lunch.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

anayahs blog

English 6 
elements of plot cont.
plot for The Misfits
HW Rj 5.2-5                                                      
  Ms. Nakada told every body to write down there homework and she told the boy to pick a girl so he picked me. Ms. Nakada is talking about terms you can use for the elements plot. Then, Ms. Nakada is telling every one to get our paper and to write ther heading because they have to write about the beginning, middle or end of the chapter they picked. Now she is giving compliments about the people who are doing there work. Ms. Nakada is giving examples about the conflict of the chapter she picked. Now she wants every one to highlight the words climax, rising action, resolution, characters, setting and conflict in their English notebook. Now it's time for lunch.