Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Johnny's BLOG!!!!!!!!!

English scores
hw rj 15.1-15.4
due friday
meet in computer lab

It's Tuesday and people kept saying pick Johnny pick Johnny!!!!!! Out loud. Jennifer N. wasn't here today so Ms. Nakada had to read jennifers BLOG. I turned around and saw what I should write about. So Annabelle fell, And everybody start laughing and so did I. People were passing back work, and portfolios and recording their scores. Jenifer Lopez was talking to Sarah and Davon was making beats on the table, And Davon and Edwin kept on playing. Bryant was talking to Gary, And Taaj came over and said wow that's amazing that you are doing the BLOG. Samantha and Annabelle were talking to each other. It's almost time for the bell to ring and Ms. Nakada is telling every body to take out there English notebooks and write their portfolio checklist. Edwin is talking to hiself and Anthony is talking Bryant. Anthony start taping his feet that's anoying. So we have two more minutes intell the bell rings so Ms. Nakada is saying tings and now the bell rung so I got to go to lunch BYE.

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