Friday, December 16, 2011

Cristiana's Blog

Gift of Words
HW: Enjoy your break!

Today  a boy in my class room named Mark just picked me to do a blog which I had no idea how to do. Everyone just started to point their fingers at me chanting my name so I asked the person sitting next to me what do I do and she said, "Nothing, you just have to do a blog." So, I asked Isaiah and he explained it to me then I went up to Mark and said why did you pick me but he didn't hear me so some other girl said everyone has to do it. Then I said I don't know how to it. I don't even know what you're talking about. Then annabelle came up to me and said,  "I'll help you." so she did then she said if you need my help just ask. So i said okay and as she started walking away and I said WAIT! so she stopped and I said what should I start the blog with what word and she said... how about today so I said okay then Ms. Nakada started teaching  the lesson and said I wrote something for you guys b-4 you guys go off to winter break.Then everyone said yay! So I looked around and anigha was laying her head down writing and Anthony was playing with his domo toy and Johnny is biting his pen. There, finally I'm done. I said to my self I'm done.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


winter haiku
natrul disaster research
Hw projects due friday

trinity came up to read the blog and she included that she was gonna pick me. so i went over here and i am writting the blog. MRS.Nakada is saying that we sould open your reading journels and now every one got out there reading journels. Now Andre is asking dumb qustions for no resons what so ever. So now i made a misake of putting my foot to the side and by accident i got everyones attion. and of cours like usal Andre got kicked out of the class room like usal in like every class he gets kicked out or yelled at, and now mrs nakada is reading some sprt of peoms that some of her kids wrote so i asked what the hiku was about winter and some people just read theres like davon witch had nothing to do with winter its about parting in codies hair. and now mrs.nakada said that we sould work on our natrul disaster project so we could get something done for tomarrow.and now edwin and davn proclaims that i made a fart noise witch i didnt. So my son came aka prestly and he is saying don't include me in the blog but now i just did and of corse when i was writting that one little thing davon comes and saids"daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg" and saids "you spelt don" wrong but i said what "and now i have to pee.  after every one started packing up and the bell rang ding ding.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

English Scores
Research condusions
HW N.D. Research
Projects Due Friday!

Wow, I am shocked because I got picked by Jonathan. When I turned around I saw that Braynt being mean.  Andre just came ucame up to me and  to me said if I can have a hug.  Then Daniel came up to me and said why is Davon helping you with the blog. Everybody is  coming up to me and saying to put them in my blog.  Roque says go ducks and he told me to pick Mark. So Guess what Mark your dream is coming true and you are doing the blog. The bell rang and Ms. Nakada started to dismiss people.

Monday, December 12, 2011

jonathan's Blog


oh.Em.Gee I got picked to write the blog! Ms. Nakada is talking about our research project. Now she said for everyone to go with there partners and get there alpha smarts. Now everyone is with their partners and working on the research project. Taaj is out of his seat. Jennifer N. asked me what my last name was. Presley said hi. Now I'm working with Jennifer N. and Mark. They left to another seat and now I have nothing to do but write the blog. Samantha came up to me and said something I couldn't understand.Then Presley asked if I can put him in my blog so I said I already did and then he took the laptop under the on I'm writing on. Mark is raising his hand. Edwin came up to me an said wazz up wazz up wazz up wazz up. Now he is next to me reading what i wrote,He left then he came back and read the part were it says he left and then he said "really are you serious he left wow"Ms.Nakada said we should do our Reasearch project fr homework.Gary came up to me and read my blog.Now he's mad becuase i put him in the blog.Daneil came up to me too and he said to pick Trinity to do the blog so ya Trinity your doing the blog.Now Ms.Nakada told us to pack up to leave and then the bell rang

Friday, December 9, 2011


Natural Disaster Reasherch
HW N.D. Resersh

   MS. Nakada was talking to us about plagerism and about providing sources . She then asked for are reading journals we then took them out and she checked them . While i was doing my work boys were picing out a book out they were so suprised haw little I typed. The bell rang and we all left .

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Presley's Blog

Natural Disaster
quotes and paraphrases
HW RJ 13.1-13.5 due

Ms. Nakada tells us to come in and sit quietly. We have table points, and our team has no points. While the other people have 4 and 5. Anayah comes up and reads her blog. When she was done she walked to her seat, forgetting to call on a boy. Someone reminds her and she looks around the class. For some reason she calls on me, just because I said hi. Davon shouts out yay much better in a kiddy voice. Taaj stands up and waves wildly at me. I turn around and Davon says, "Bad Presley!" He shakes his head and says, "Oh my god." When I turn around, I shocked myself by touching the back if my chair.  When I turn around Davon stops suddenly and we have a weird stare down. Mark comes back from the bathroom and says what's up with his head. Maor calls me and says want to be partners for an internet search. I say yes. When we get our computer. I said lets do hurricanes. When we searched it, we found Hurricane Katrina. But after a little while Johnny and Taaj copied our idea. After an hour or so, Ms. Nakada to close down the computers. Then we got a paper about the earthquake. After that she passed out candy canes for the people that won in the table points competition. Then she told us to get packed up and she dismissed us. GOODBYE! ;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


HOME WORK:RJ 13.1-13.5

Ms. Nakada tells us that we are going to have table pionts and she told Taaj to read his blog. Taaj picked me and I think I really went are ready and that. So, I started to walk over her and some of my things fell out of my back pack and I had to pick it all up. Ms. Nakada tells us to get out our notes we started yesterday but we have to hurry because today is a early development which is Tuesday. Ms. Nakada tells us that we have to make a bubble map and some people think it is really hard and it really isn't .Taaj keeps getting up and throwing away pieces of paper. Atma does not come to this school anymore and that he checked today they are talking about expository and narrative. Sarai is not here today. Now she is talking about the thinking question.It is now 11:25 and we get out at 11:36 I think im not sure. Preasley walked by and said wats up and he went to go sharpen his pencil when he was done he said goodbye in a wierd way. Ms. Nakada is asking a lot of questions and she is giving alot of examples. Ms. Nakada is giving away table points and we have a lot on the first day I'm at table 3.

We are adding more to our table of contents. Daniel is getting in trouble and I think other people are gettng in trouble to and he had his hands up like a gun and pretended to shoot. Davon is talking about his paper and I don't get why he is talking about it. Ms. Nakada is talking about how to do research. Some one keeps saying grams. Now it's time for lunch BYE:)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Taajs Blog

Na No Wrimo
Naritive Reflection
Intro to exposity

Today we came in and Annabelle reads her blog and then picks me. Everyboby told her to pick Mark but she didn't. She picked me. Ms. Nakada is passing back our spa assesment. Davon walks by and says Wat up. Ms. Nakada is telling the class to add up their scores on their test. NowDavon is passing back journals from nanowrima. Johnny is know bragging about his score on the spa assesment. Daniel asked me if I need a pen when I have a pencil. Oh and one thing I have to tell you is Oregon beat UCLA because ucla sucks. Roque says GO OREGON DUCKS and messes with the computer. Then Edwin comes and pats me on the back and says was up. Now Ms. Nakada tells the class to take out their reading journals out. Ill be right back i have to get reading journal. Im back! So now im doing notes in my reading journal. Know the bell rings and Ms.Nakada dismiss the class and I pick Anayah.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Annabelle's Blog

Na No Wri Mo 
Excerpts / winners 
reader's workshop 
HM makeup if needed

So, today we got in class and Edwin read his blog. When he was done reading his blog everybody said, "Pick Annabelle!""Pick Annabelle!" so he listed to everybody and he chosed me. Once Ms. Nakada showed me what to do she was reading her blog that she wrote yesturday. When she was done reading her novel she picked some people and they read thiers which was pretty funny, so someone chose me and I felt so embarrassed. After that she told the whole class to read and so they read and everyone was so quiet. Then Davon was talking to me away. Then after a while I was so bored and didn't know what to write about and then the bell rang. Ms. Nakada dissmissed us.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Edwin's Blog

Computer Lab
Summaries and
HW R.J 12.1-12.5
Due Tomorrow
So, Ms.Nakada told us yesterday that we meet at the computer lab to do are print our novels and do our summaries. We went inside the computer lab and took a seat and turn on the computers and let Jovi read her blog and Ms. Nakada told Jovi to chose someone to do the blog and she picked me. We did are summaries and went to the classroom and we saw that we had everyone here so, that means that we had ten points but Andre told Ms. Nakada that Atma was missing so, we didn't get the ten points since Andre was a honest so, the bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us Bye :).