Friday, December 16, 2011

Cristiana's Blog

Gift of Words
HW: Enjoy your break!

Today  a boy in my class room named Mark just picked me to do a blog which I had no idea how to do. Everyone just started to point their fingers at me chanting my name so I asked the person sitting next to me what do I do and she said, "Nothing, you just have to do a blog." So, I asked Isaiah and he explained it to me then I went up to Mark and said why did you pick me but he didn't hear me so some other girl said everyone has to do it. Then I said I don't know how to it. I don't even know what you're talking about. Then annabelle came up to me and said,  "I'll help you." so she did then she said if you need my help just ask. So i said okay and as she started walking away and I said WAIT! so she stopped and I said what should I start the blog with what word and she said... how about today so I said okay then Ms. Nakada started teaching  the lesson and said I wrote something for you guys b-4 you guys go off to winter break.Then everyone said yay! So I looked around and anigha was laying her head down writing and Anthony was playing with his domo toy and Johnny is biting his pen. There, finally I'm done. I said to my self I'm done.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


winter haiku
natrul disaster research
Hw projects due friday

trinity came up to read the blog and she included that she was gonna pick me. so i went over here and i am writting the blog. MRS.Nakada is saying that we sould open your reading journels and now every one got out there reading journels. Now Andre is asking dumb qustions for no resons what so ever. So now i made a misake of putting my foot to the side and by accident i got everyones attion. and of cours like usal Andre got kicked out of the class room like usal in like every class he gets kicked out or yelled at, and now mrs nakada is reading some sprt of peoms that some of her kids wrote so i asked what the hiku was about winter and some people just read theres like davon witch had nothing to do with winter its about parting in codies hair. and now mrs.nakada said that we sould work on our natrul disaster project so we could get something done for tomarrow.and now edwin and davn proclaims that i made a fart noise witch i didnt. So my son came aka prestly and he is saying don't include me in the blog but now i just did and of corse when i was writting that one little thing davon comes and saids"daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg" and saids "you spelt don" wrong but i said what "and now i have to pee.  after every one started packing up and the bell rang ding ding.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

English Scores
Research condusions
HW N.D. Research
Projects Due Friday!

Wow, I am shocked because I got picked by Jonathan. When I turned around I saw that Braynt being mean.  Andre just came ucame up to me and  to me said if I can have a hug.  Then Daniel came up to me and said why is Davon helping you with the blog. Everybody is  coming up to me and saying to put them in my blog.  Roque says go ducks and he told me to pick Mark. So Guess what Mark your dream is coming true and you are doing the blog. The bell rang and Ms. Nakada started to dismiss people.

Monday, December 12, 2011

jonathan's Blog


oh.Em.Gee I got picked to write the blog! Ms. Nakada is talking about our research project. Now she said for everyone to go with there partners and get there alpha smarts. Now everyone is with their partners and working on the research project. Taaj is out of his seat. Jennifer N. asked me what my last name was. Presley said hi. Now I'm working with Jennifer N. and Mark. They left to another seat and now I have nothing to do but write the blog. Samantha came up to me and said something I couldn't understand.Then Presley asked if I can put him in my blog so I said I already did and then he took the laptop under the on I'm writing on. Mark is raising his hand. Edwin came up to me an said wazz up wazz up wazz up wazz up. Now he is next to me reading what i wrote,He left then he came back and read the part were it says he left and then he said "really are you serious he left wow"Ms.Nakada said we should do our Reasearch project fr homework.Gary came up to me and read my blog.Now he's mad becuase i put him in the blog.Daneil came up to me too and he said to pick Trinity to do the blog so ya Trinity your doing the blog.Now Ms.Nakada told us to pack up to leave and then the bell rang

Friday, December 9, 2011


Natural Disaster Reasherch
HW N.D. Resersh

   MS. Nakada was talking to us about plagerism and about providing sources . She then asked for are reading journals we then took them out and she checked them . While i was doing my work boys were picing out a book out they were so suprised haw little I typed. The bell rang and we all left .

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Presley's Blog

Natural Disaster
quotes and paraphrases
HW RJ 13.1-13.5 due

Ms. Nakada tells us to come in and sit quietly. We have table points, and our team has no points. While the other people have 4 and 5. Anayah comes up and reads her blog. When she was done she walked to her seat, forgetting to call on a boy. Someone reminds her and she looks around the class. For some reason she calls on me, just because I said hi. Davon shouts out yay much better in a kiddy voice. Taaj stands up and waves wildly at me. I turn around and Davon says, "Bad Presley!" He shakes his head and says, "Oh my god." When I turn around, I shocked myself by touching the back if my chair.  When I turn around Davon stops suddenly and we have a weird stare down. Mark comes back from the bathroom and says what's up with his head. Maor calls me and says want to be partners for an internet search. I say yes. When we get our computer. I said lets do hurricanes. When we searched it, we found Hurricane Katrina. But after a little while Johnny and Taaj copied our idea. After an hour or so, Ms. Nakada to close down the computers. Then we got a paper about the earthquake. After that she passed out candy canes for the people that won in the table points competition. Then she told us to get packed up and she dismissed us. GOODBYE! ;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


HOME WORK:RJ 13.1-13.5

Ms. Nakada tells us that we are going to have table pionts and she told Taaj to read his blog. Taaj picked me and I think I really went are ready and that. So, I started to walk over her and some of my things fell out of my back pack and I had to pick it all up. Ms. Nakada tells us to get out our notes we started yesterday but we have to hurry because today is a early development which is Tuesday. Ms. Nakada tells us that we have to make a bubble map and some people think it is really hard and it really isn't .Taaj keeps getting up and throwing away pieces of paper. Atma does not come to this school anymore and that he checked today they are talking about expository and narrative. Sarai is not here today. Now she is talking about the thinking question.It is now 11:25 and we get out at 11:36 I think im not sure. Preasley walked by and said wats up and he went to go sharpen his pencil when he was done he said goodbye in a wierd way. Ms. Nakada is asking a lot of questions and she is giving alot of examples. Ms. Nakada is giving away table points and we have a lot on the first day I'm at table 3.

We are adding more to our table of contents. Daniel is getting in trouble and I think other people are gettng in trouble to and he had his hands up like a gun and pretended to shoot. Davon is talking about his paper and I don't get why he is talking about it. Ms. Nakada is talking about how to do research. Some one keeps saying grams. Now it's time for lunch BYE:)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Taajs Blog

Na No Wrimo
Naritive Reflection
Intro to exposity

Today we came in and Annabelle reads her blog and then picks me. Everyboby told her to pick Mark but she didn't. She picked me. Ms. Nakada is passing back our spa assesment. Davon walks by and says Wat up. Ms. Nakada is telling the class to add up their scores on their test. NowDavon is passing back journals from nanowrima. Johnny is know bragging about his score on the spa assesment. Daniel asked me if I need a pen when I have a pencil. Oh and one thing I have to tell you is Oregon beat UCLA because ucla sucks. Roque says GO OREGON DUCKS and messes with the computer. Then Edwin comes and pats me on the back and says was up. Now Ms. Nakada tells the class to take out their reading journals out. Ill be right back i have to get reading journal. Im back! So now im doing notes in my reading journal. Know the bell rings and Ms.Nakada dismiss the class and I pick Anayah.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Annabelle's Blog

Na No Wri Mo 
Excerpts / winners 
reader's workshop 
HM makeup if needed

So, today we got in class and Edwin read his blog. When he was done reading his blog everybody said, "Pick Annabelle!""Pick Annabelle!" so he listed to everybody and he chosed me. Once Ms. Nakada showed me what to do she was reading her blog that she wrote yesturday. When she was done reading her novel she picked some people and they read thiers which was pretty funny, so someone chose me and I felt so embarrassed. After that she told the whole class to read and so they read and everyone was so quiet. Then Davon was talking to me away. Then after a while I was so bored and didn't know what to write about and then the bell rang. Ms. Nakada dissmissed us.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Edwin's Blog

Computer Lab
Summaries and
HW R.J 12.1-12.5
Due Tomorrow
So, Ms.Nakada told us yesterday that we meet at the computer lab to do are print our novels and do our summaries. We went inside the computer lab and took a seat and turn on the computers and let Jovi read her blog and Ms. Nakada told Jovi to chose someone to do the blog and she picked me. We did are summaries and went to the classroom and we saw that we had everyone here so, that means that we had ten points but Andre told Ms. Nakada that Atma was missing so, we didn't get the ten points since Andre was a honest so, the bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us Bye :).

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

JOVI's blog :D

Final pep talk
HW: rj 12.1-12.5
Due Friday

Davon read his blog then picked me. Ms. Nakada is reading a letter from someone named Chris Angotti. Now everyone is writing and typing their novels also it is a little loud and Annabelle just came up to me and said "sup". Now someone named Mrs. M is asking us if we have our text books for englsh class. Then everyone went back to doing their novels and Davon is talking to me. Now i'm just sitting here waiting for something new to happen. Now the class is working very quietly. Also Bryant is listening to music. Then Ms. Nakada started helpig some students work the computer. I'm still waiting sitting here waiting for something else to happen : \ . Then out of nowhere, Davon says "hi".  Presley and Johnny are in the back of the classroom quietly working on their novels, then the bell rings and everyone starts putting away their stuff while Ms. Nakada is dismissing us. Well i gotta go now byeeee :P

Monday, November 28, 2011

Davon's cool blog

English Blog
Final Stretch
HW Rj 12.1
Meet in LAB Tomorrow

Hello, we are working on our NaNoWriMo today and then Andre just started sing in my ear.  Now everyone is working quietly except Andre.  Bryant is listening to music and is writting his paper at the same time. So now Andre is just being rude to everyone.  Then Ms. Nakada sent him to Ms. M's room.  Presley is sitting at the computer by himself and is working quietly.  Ms. Nakada is asking everyone what is their word count.  Anayah is done with her NaNoWriMo.  Johnny has 556 words on his alphsmart.  Some of the students want to change their word count goals.

Now Mark is making some of the students laugh.  Edwin has 450 words on his alphsmart.  Mr.Greaney was telling one of his students to turn it around.  Trinity is reading her book quietly to herself.  Ms. Nakada just told Mark to take off his headphones and type his paper.

Bryant has 3,400 words on his paper.  Now Ms.Nakada is asking who wants to update their word count and then told us to put everything away and get ready for lunch.  Today was the best day.  Well, I have to go now bye bye. Bryant 1,604 words on his paper.  Bye bye again.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jenifer's Blog :)

Na No Wri Mo
HW:Happy Thanksgiving!

Daniel finished reading his blog and picked me. Then Ms. Nakada asked if  any one had brought their  reading journals. Then she started checking them. After that, everyone was working on their novels. The class was so quiet. Then Andre came back from the restroom, which took him a long time. Then the principal walked in our class and the class started talking. But it was mostly Daniel and Andre. When they started talking Ms.Nakada said to stop talking because we had 15 minutes left, and it was quiet again. Next, Ms.Nakada started passing out pin's that said FIRST-CLASS NOVELIST 2011 it also had a little book on it. After that, Ms.Nakada asked if anyone had mor book projects. After she said that the pricapal was talking to Melissa and it looked like Melissa was shy when he started talking to her. Then he was looking at my blog and I got shy too. Then Andre came up to me and said "HI". Finally, Ms.Nakada asked everyone to pack up and dismissed us.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Daniel's Blog

word count
word war
hw NaNoWriMo
book projects
due Wenseday

Ms. Nakada told jada to read the blog but Jada wasn't here so Ms. Nakada read Jada's blog and she picked me. The class was very loud and Ms. Nakada told Isaiah to go outside and pick up trash. Ms. Nakada told the class to take out their novel packets out and turned to the page that has the dates of the months on there. Also Ms. Nakada told the class if they needed a computer to go get it to see the word count and devon had something in his mouth and Ms. Nakada told him to spit it out. Now Mr. Greaney's class is making a lot of noise. Anthony went up to Ms. Nakada and asked her a question also Mark has a  virus with his computer and Davon told Ms. Nakada his computer wouldn't get there. She asked me if i had finished my novel I said no and she told the class to take out there r.j 11.1-11.5 and make a pile at the aisle. Ms. Nakada told Davon and Johnny to stop putting there fingers in their mouths. She said it's nasty and gross. Ms. Nakada tells the class to pack up because it's lunch time and she dismisses us. Now I pick Jennifer Lopez and Johnny gave a thumbs up to Bryant.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

Jada's Blog

addressing envelopes
letters and
hw book project #3
due nov. 23!

Andre was reading his blog and then picked me. After that I'm just sitting here doing nothing just sitting waiting for the bell to ring. Then the class gets quiet finaly. Now the bell rang and Ms. Nakada told us to put away our stuff and wait to get dismissed.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Andre's Blog

English 6
SPA corrections
pen pal letter
Na No Wri Mo
HW RJ 11.1-11.5 Due tomorrow-
Parent Coference Night

Hey Class!!! The bell ring and of we are to the greatest  teacher Ms. Nakada's room. Everybody says hello Ms. Nakada and we sit down. We take out our binder reminders and write down our agenda. Then Sarah comes up at reads her blog and then she picks me. So I walk up to the coumputer and Ms. Nakada is putting the blog on so I can write. And then I sit down and write the blog and Ms.Nakada said "you are so fucused when you do the blog I should have you do it everyday." So back to class Ms. Nakada said whoever has a red pen and take it out so you could correct you test. So now they are doing the corrections and Ms. Schooler walks in the door and everybody said Hi to her. Ms. Nakada said I have not heard a Yes!!!!! 'cause you got the question correct and then Davon looked at the point and said "WE HAVE 10" and we all said SHHHHHHHHHH....Ms.Schooler said I love your class and Ms. Nakada said thank you but Bryant had his hood on his head. Ms.Nakada said we should have silent spirit fingers because it was getting a little loud. I asked Ms.Nakada if we could turn the light off and she said, "UMM" and Ms.Schooler said, "I think it good only if you are a vampire" and we all laughed!!!!!!!Ms.Nakada said all the points are worth a millon and she said count your points. Bryant said "I have to ask you something" and Jovi said "Shut UP Bryant." Ms.Nakada said when you have the points, put a pile on the aisle..... I am bored!! Davon said what's up! Everybody keep asking what's a C what's a C!!!! Ms. Nakada said these are the people who are done with pen pal letters: Andre, Anayah, Roque, Maor, Melissa, Yulani, Jenifer and Jennifer walks up to me and said What's up Andreeeee! Davon, said no and Johnny and Anayah got in an argument! Ms. Nakada said give me that box... I will be right back. I need to do NANOWRIMO!!!! I'M BACK!! Taaj is going to the restroom and he has to put his name on the board because he has to stay! And Ms. Nakada Dismissed us to lunch!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sarahs Blog

SPA corrections
HW 11.1-11.4

Atma read his blog and then picked me. Now everyone is getting their tests and correcting them. Ms. Nakada is going over the answers. And Johnathan just got his phone taking away. Now Ms.Nakada is going over the Rosa Parks Story annotation. And Daniel wont be QUIET!!!! >.<  And now Ms. Nakada is telling us to pack up and leave, then she dissmisses us.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Atma's blog

new seats/blog
S.P.A corrections
H.W R.J 11.1

Ms. Nakada told Anayah to read her blog, when she was done she chose me to do the blog.
Now Ms. Nakada is writing on her computer the correct answers for the S.P.A papers. Then, we were all done with the first draft of the S.P.A. Now Ms. Nakada is going over the questions from the test. Now everybody is making a pile at the aisle with their tests. Also, everybody is getting their alphasmarts to continue their novels or their pen pal letters. Everybody is putting the alphasmarts away because it's almost time to leave, the bell rang and it was time for lunch.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


test corrections
pen pal letters
hw enjoy your weekend 40% word count!
Ms. Nakada told bryant to read his blog and then after he was done he chose me. Ms. Nakada told us that we were going to correct our test from some time ago. She started to pass out the test paper  and every body started to talk about their grade. Andre just walked in the door and Trinity was walking out of the room for some reason. Everybody thinks they have a privilege to talk when they want when Ms. Nakada is handling some businesss.

I looked back and saw Isaiah explaining something to somebody. I am so bored right now. All I can think about is my novel because I'm not even half way done and I already have a handful of homework. Back to the subject. Ms. Nakada is  asking every questions about Addie. Andre talks too much. Anyways, it's about to be eleven oclock and we get out at 12:05. Then its lunch because it is a block day today. Ms. Nakada is talking about how it took a lot of time for some of us to get done. Daniel had a red Gatorade yesterday he claims and Ms. Nakada said that she does not want people drinking in her class because if they spill it it will be all sticky.

Ms. Nakada is talking about qualities and how you use them to describe something or somebody. I hear Jenny talking and Atma tapping his feet. We are still cheking our test and the back row keeps talking. I see people walking up and down the halls. Next we are going to do our pen pal letters. Ms. Nakada just came over here and asked for my paper. Roque is handing out letters and who ever is done with their letter they can resume their novels. Ms. Nakada wants all the letters done today and now she wants to review how to write a good letter. I am going to finish my letter so I'll be right back. It's 11:25. I'm finished with my letter and it's time for lunch.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


writersblock pep talk
HW rj 10.2-10.4
Ms. Nakada told Daniel to come up and read his blog . Ms Nakada is reading a pep talk from a writer. Ms. Nakada made me do the blog.
Ms. Nakada told every one to do their novel. Atma came up and said hi. I turned aroung
and saw Isaiah and Maor playing around. It was very noisy at first  but then every one settled down. Ms. Nakada told every body to stop because it was lunch time.

Monday, November 7, 2011

daniel's Blog

10 week grades
na no wri mo
hw r.j 10.1

Everyone comes in and Presley starts reading his blog and Presley picks me. Ms. Nakada tell's everyone to take out our english notebooks and she tells everyone to write book project1,r.j 4.1-4.3, 5.1-, book project 2, elements of plot, and perfect paragraphs. Next Ms. Nakada asks some students to help her pass out our classwork that we have done a long time ago. The class is pretty loud and Andre asks Ms. Nakada what is 71% is and she says it's a c. Ms. Nakada says we have one more assignment. It's our score on our binder reminder. Ruben goes up to Ms. Nakada what 90%. It is an A. Sarai ask Ms. Nakada what18% is it's an F. I hand Ms. Nakada my book project. Now Gustavo is looking at my blog. Also, Jonathan asked me where the tape was and I said what tape? Ruben asked Ms. Nakada another question. She tell's the class to work on our novels and reading she tell's the class if they need there aphasmart to type there novel. gary get's out of his seat and atma and andre got a a plus come up to me also jovi is getting a pencil. Ms. Nakada tells everyone to pack up and she dismissed the class to lunch. Now I pick Bryant and Roque is taking an AR test.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Presley's Blog

Na No Wri Mo
HW Na No Wri Mo 20%

 Ms. Nakada tells us to come in and sit down quietly. She tell us to get out our binder reminders and write down the agenda. Then she says to take our notebooks out and says she is going to check out binder reminders and notebooks. Ms. Nakada says she is going to pass out the tests while Gustavo reads his blog. When he is done he picks me. Now I am done, and I pick Daniel.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gustavo cool Blog

HW all 10 week make-up work due & BR

Edwin was reading the blog and he picked me. Ms. Nakada was passing out our test. She was handing out a paper that is called Short Constructed Response. You have to give main detail about the Pheasant's Bell. Everyone was working on their test. Ms. Nakada said if you didn't finished you could finish it on Friday. Some people finish with their test. Everyone starting talking about the NaNoWriMo. Taaj started talking with me for a while. When I look back I saw people laughing. Every one was putting away their test and they wre giving the test to Ms. Nakada. After the bell rang Ms. Nakada dimisses us to lunch.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Edwin's Blog

Back to the beginning
Na No Wri Mo
Hw Rj 9.2-9.4
10% of Na No Wri Mo

 Ms.Nakada told us about more about Na No Wri Mo and told us those who need their alpha smarts use them. Ms. Nakada told us to start writing our novels. Every one was working quietly on writing their novels as Ms.Nakada told them too. Then Gary looked to see how I was writing the blog. Ms. Nakada told us to tell us to read our novels. Ms.Nakada told us to put away are alpha smarts and she said we had a good start. It was time to go to lunch so Ms. Nakada told us to pack up and she dismissed us.        

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ruben's Blog

NaNoWriMo Prep
HW RJ 9.1

Ms. Nakada tells us to take a piece of paper and write SPA 1. Ms. Nakada told two students to pass a answer sheet. She is explaning the test and she gave direction to the class. She said if anybody didn't get a answer sheet. Now Ms. Nakada passed out the Assessment 1 to everybody. Now she is reading the story from the assessment and told the student to write a summary for paragraph1. Now she is reading paragraph 2 and told us what happened. Now she is reading the next paragraph and told them what happened. Ms. Nakada gave instructions to the class. Now everybody is reading the assessment and writing a summary for each paragraph. She told us to stop working on our SPA 1. Now the bell rang and we left.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Trinity' s Blog

Rjs / Book Projects 
Spa Review 
HW Make-ups for 10 week grades 

After everyone came in they took out their binder reminder. Then Maor was called up to read his blog. Ms. Nakada went over the spa reviews and is collecting the book projcts and letting people take the ar test.
 Now  Ms Nakada is asking everyone to take out their nanowrimo packets. I wonder who Ms. Nakada is goning to pick to do the blog.  Now Ms. Nakada is asking everyone to write down three books that they really like. Now we are writing about our protagonist or main character. Ms. Nakada is now dimissing everyone to lunch. Well, I got to go so bye bye!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Maor's Sweet Blog

English 6
writers workshop
S.P.A. notes 
HW RJ 8.1-8.5
Book ProJects Due Tomorrow

Melissa was reading the blog. She called on me. I went up to the computer and started typing. Every body was working on writer's work shop.Every body was typing on the alpha smarts or the computers. Some people didn't finish there character essays. If you did finish you need to be writing a letter to your pen pals. The bell rang and Mrs.Nakada dismissed us by rows. Now I call on Trinity.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Melissa Blog

NaNaWriMo Prep
writers workshop
HW rj 8.2-8.4
book progects due Friday!

      Atma read his blog. Then he picked me. Ms Nakada passed out papers about NaNoWriMo to everybody. Then Ms. Nakada said, "When you're finished writing to get your alpha smart and start writing your penpals letter.'' Right now it is  of loud in the classroom. Ms.Nakada is passing out the letters from our penpals. She told us to pack up. Then the bell rang she dismissed us now.

Monday, October 24, 2011

ATMA'S sweet blog!!!

English 6
personal narrative draft 
writer's workshop
nano wri mo!
HW:rj 8.1 
book projects due Friday !!
Ms. Nakada started to read Jada's blog because she was absent, so when she was done she asked "Who hasn't done the blog." I raised my hand and she picked me. It was a miracle that she picked me. Now Ms. Nakada is writing about how to response to our pen pal's in a letter like our pen pal's did in their letters and Ms. Nakada is telling us that either we can work on our character essay, personal narrative or our pen pal letter. Now mostly everybody is getting their alpha smarts from Ms.vNakada to write their character essay and Daniel just came and looked at my work then walked away. Some people are still waiting to get their alpha smarts. Now Ms. Nakada is collecting all the alpha smarts. The bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us all!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

jada worthy

video from Ms. Dubose
Letters from penpals!
writers workshop
hw none enjoy your weekend.

The bell rang and I went to class and sat down in my seat. Then, Ms. Nakada was reading the hw and said write it down. Then she called Gary up to read his blog. When Gary was done every body started to yell out my name and I was scared because I didn't want do it. But before she made me do it we watched a video from our penpals. They are from missisippi so they had an accent but it was kind of funny. After that we read our letters from our penpals. When we finished, everybody started to finish their essay or write letters back to our pen pals. Now every body is quietly working. Then the bell rang and she said good bye to every body.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gary's blog

English 6
Emergency Procedures
due tommorow

The bell rang and we all went to class. Then we all sat down then Ms. Nakada told Ghislanie to read her blog. Then she finished so she picked me and I was nervous. Then there was an earthquake drill and we went outside.

When we got back Ms. Nakada told the class to write about a plot or a story. Most of them did it but some of them did not.

Ms.Nakada told everbody whoever finished it could go to lunch. The bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ghislaine's Blog

English 6
writers workship:
characters qualities
HW: R.J 7.2 - 7.4

Today Mark wasn't here so Ms. Nakada read his blog. After reading his blog Ms. Nakada asked the girls to raise their hands if they haven't done the blog yet and only two girls raised their hand, me and Melissa. Ms. Nakada picked me. Ms. Nakada is showing us how to write our paragraphs. After that Ms. Nakada told the students with Alphasmarts 1-10 to come up and get it. Then she did the rest. Ms. Nakada asked us to be quiet several times but we don't follow directions. She keeps telling us over and over again to keep our voices down. The kid behind me is making weird noises which is distracting me from thinking. He still keeps doing it. A lot of people are knocking the door and we keep answering. Ms. Nakada is telling several kids to take out their books and start reading instead of making trouble and fooling around. Ms. Nakada tells us to bring back the Alphasmarts. We do it. The people who didn't finish their paragraphs have to stay in. Then she dismisses us and we go to lunch :) ;) B)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mark's blog


Complete Quiz #1
Qualities of character Essay
HW RJ(7.1)

Jovi started reading her cool blog and tried to pick someone. She didn't know who to pick at first because every one was screaming "Gary, Gary" but finally she picked me. I do not know why she picked me. Anyways, I was happy I just did not show it. I got on the computer and I asked for help. Andre to the rescue. He came and wrote the agenda for me when I did not know a clue about how to start this blog. After beloved Ms. Nakada started to pass out the tests that we didn't finish on Friday.  Now there is that silent moment were no one talks and starts doing their test. It's so silent I look back to see if there is any one in the back of me every 3 seconds. Ms. Nakada dropped some cd's and I picked them up for her. Now every one is getting up and Ms. Nakada is saying, "Stay quiet and sit down." Now the bell rang and Ms. Nakada is dismissing people.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Jovi's blog

review for quiz
quiz #1
rj check
hw none

When everyone came in class Isaiah read the blog then picked me. Ms. Nakada asked for us to take our notes out to review them. After we reviewed our notes Ms. Nakada passed out a quiz. While we took the quiz it was very quiet. Some people didn't get to finish though, but Ms. Nakada said that we could finish the test on Monday. It was loud while we waited for the bell to ring. After a while the bell rang and Ms. Nakada dismissed us.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Isaiah's blog

character qualities essay
review for quiz
HW: study for quiz
rj 6.1-6.5 due Friday

Sarai turn to read the blog. When she was done she picked me. Ms. Nakada is now explaining qualities of character. Now Ms. Nakada wants us to make a tree map on our character qualities. Now she is leaving so Mr. Hastings is watching our class. Everyone is working VERY quietly. Ms.Nakada just walked in and Mr.Hastings left ;[ . Now Ms. Nakada is tellling us our next assignment. Now almost every one is working on our new assignment. Two students just went to the rest room one at a time. Now some of my frends walked up and asked me hows it going so I told them it's going pretty well then they got sent to thier seats. Mark asked what to write about so I tell him to write about the qualities of his character. Now, Ms. Nakada is expaining how to write our essays. She is now helping my class mates with thier work. I have just found a book Ms. Nakada wrote! Sadly it is the end of class so good bye...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sarai's Blog

literary Analysis
tree map
H.W R.J 6.2-6.4

Ms. Nakada told the class to open their notebooks to the first page and write Literary Analysis for page six. She says go to page six. She says we are going to have a test on Friday. She said, "We are going to analyze the quality of a character.'' Then she said, "We are going to write qualities about ourselves. Then she said, "Now we will write qualities about someone we know." Next she told us to write a quality about a character in the book "The Misfits." Next she told us to make a tree map and write three qualities. Ms. Nakada says "If we want to leave we have to finish our tree map." The bell rings and Ms. Nakada dismissed every one who finished their work. Now it's time to go to lunch.

Monday, October 10, 2011


computer lab
review perfect paragraph
printing highlighting
hw rj 6.1
Today, we are in the computer lab. When we walked in the room Ms. Nakada told us to sit at a pod. When we got to our table we signed in the computer so Yulany read the blog then she picked me. Ms. Nakada is telling the class to sign out of the internet. Now Ms. Nakada is giving us our alpha smarts so we can type our paragraphs on the computer. Then she told us how to type our  paragraphs on the computer. Now Ms.Nakada and   Ms. M are going around helping kids paragraphs. When we are done we have to edit our paragraphs. Ms. Nakada is telling us to be quiet because we are disturbing people around them. Now people got their paper printed and Ms. Nakada is giving it to them and telling them to highlight their sentences .If you want to print you have to get permission from Ms.Nakada.When you are finish using the computer you have to save and log off. If you didn't you have to save and log off. Now the bell rang and Ms. Nakada is dismissing the class.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yulany's blog

5 week grades
rj check
perfect paragraph
HW: Meet in Computer Lab

Ms. Nakada asked the class to take out the paragraph we wrote. Ms. Nakada told the class to take out their English scores. She said she loved meeting our families.She said if you haven't finish the perfect paragraph to go get your Alphasmart. She said if your Alphasmart is 1-10 to go get your Alphasmart. Now she 11-14 now 15-20 and so on. She said if your done with your perfect paragraph she said to start reading a book. Some of the kids thought she was going to say to finish your the homework. She said again to meet in the computer lab and that we just wait in front of the door and she was going to tell us where to sit. She said to the class that the first letter in the paragraph has to be capitalized and she said after your done to run the spell check. Now she said to take out our reading journal because she was going to check if we did the homework. Ms. Nakada is showing everyone their grade in her class and Andre is singing out of nowhere. Today the class was pretty noisy and some people didn't look too happy about their grades. Andre continues singing an odd song. Ms. Nakada said that to please have your reading journal out and that we should 5.1-5.5. Ms.Nakada is still showing kids there grade. She told the class to bring there alpha smart up. Some kids were singing a bad song and Ms. Nakada asked them if they knew what that meant and Isaiah told Ms. Nakada what it meant and it wasn't too good. Now Ms. Nakada told the class to pack up there stuff and now it is time to leave.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anthony's Blog

English 6                            
 reading for The Misfits meaning part1
HW Rj 5.1-5.5 due tomorrow                                                              

Ms.Nakada told us to take ower rj book because we where going to do vocabulary.Ms.Nakada said take out a paper and take out The Misfits so we are taking out 3 sentences and highlight noun, proper noun, verb, adverbs. We all work quietly but not that quiet. Ms.Nakada gave us more time to be done with the class work. Ms. Nakada stop us and gave us a new thing to do and find a simple sentence we all got back to work . Ms.Nakada was doing the same thing we where doing. We had to print out perfect paragraph.People were getting out of there sets to get a alphsmart.The  bell rang and we all left to lunch.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

anayahs blog

English 6 
elements of plot cont.
plot for The Misfits
HW Rj 5.2-5                                                      
  Ms. Nakada told every body to write down there homework and she told the boy to pick a girl so he picked me. Ms. Nakada is talking about terms you can use for the elements plot. Then, Ms. Nakada is telling every one to get our paper and to write ther heading because they have to write about the beginning, middle or end of the chapter they picked. Now she is giving compliments about the people who are doing there work. Ms. Nakada is giving examples about the conflict of the chapter she picked. Now she wants every one to highlight the words climax, rising action, resolution, characters, setting and conflict in their English notebook. Now it's time for lunch.

Friday, September 30, 2011

jonathans blog

The Misfits
r.j. / book projects
HW: enjoy your weekend

Ms. Nakada is reviewing the Misfits summaries. Andre just read his summary on chapter 15 and 16. Ms. Nakada explained how when you see the names of the charectors they are in the forum. In chapter 18 the plot of the story is mostly sad because Mr. Killerman's mom died and Bobby was sad becuase he rememberd how his mom died too. Now Ms. Nakada told us to take our books and turn to page 178. Ms. Nakada is talking about this chapter being about Bobby and his dad talking about why his mom died and how his dad wouldnt date anymore and then they started to cry.Ms. Nakada started to write summarie 5.8.Then she told us to take out are book reports.She told us if we filled out our book report sheet.Next she asked who did there book report and if they took a AR test.A group of kids got sent to the computer lab to take there AR test for the report.Now Ms. Nakada asked us to take out our reading journels to check our summaries. Almost everyone did there summaries. Everyone is reding the misfits.Ms. Nakada said if we were finished with the misfits and the summaries we can read a diffrent book.Ms. Nakada said only 7 people did their summaries and turned in 9 book reports. Ms. Nakada said on Monday we are going to look at our scores. She said most of us are not going to be happy with our scores.she said an AEE is good, FUU is bad, CSS is average. The bell rang and we went on to lunch.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Samantha's Blog

character webs
rj 4.1 - 4.3
book projects due Friday!

Ms. Nakada tells Johnny to read the blog when he was finished he picked me. She then tells the class to work on the character webs. While the class was doing their character webs, Ms.Nakada was looking at the reading journals. A lot of the class has good reading journals. We now have a small amout of class left. She tells us to put our things away.The bell rings and we go to lunch.

Monday, September 26, 2011


English 6                                                                                                                                                                    Blog
The Misfits character                                                                                                                                       analysis                                                                                                                                                                  RJ HW 4.1 the misfits ch. 25/26  

Ms. Nakada is makin sure people are seated so she can start the class.Ms. nakada is talking about are book report for the misfits book the book report is about how you have to tell us  about  the misfits your reading and tell us the author.Now Ms. Nakada is handing out papers about are book report Ms. Nakada is now telling us our reading journals and shes telling everybody that in are reading journals we have to write down things about the misfits. Now Ms. Nakada is showing us how to do the classwork now Ms. Nakada is checking to see if we did are chapters and then she dismissed everbody to go to lunch.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sarahs Blog

Pen pals
The Misfits summaries
r.j 2.1-2.5
HW Catch up on The Misfits
         The  bell rang and everybody was in class, Ms.Nakada told Roque to read his blog when he was done Ms. Nakada told him to pick a girl then he picked me. Then Ms. Nakada told us that another teacher wanted to be penpals with us and that the teacher wanted a class picture. So then Ms.Nakada took a picture of us. Next Ms.Nakada told everyone to take out their books and to turn to chapter 9. Then Ms. Nakada told other people to jump in to read, then everybody wants to jump in and read. Then Ms. Nakada and the class start writing a summary on chapters 9 and 10. Now Ms.Nakada tells the class the go to chapter 11 and write a summary on it. Now Ms. Nakada is checking everybody's reading journals to see if they did their homework. Ms. Nakada is telling everybody that if they finished their homework they can get their alphasmarts and print what they wrote. Now everybody is working on their summaries. Then the bell rings and everybody leaves.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Roque's Blog

English 6
Perfect Paragraphs: AlphaSmarts
HW: RJ 3.2 Chapters 17-18. RJ 3.3 Chapters 19, 20

When the  the bell rang it was time for class. Jennifer read the blog after she read it she picked me then I started typing. Ms nakata told us to go to our step up to wrting page. Then she told us she was going to assign us alphasmarts. She called out kids and gave them their alphasmart and number so we can type our perfect paragraph. Then ms nakata told us to turn our alphasmarts on and go to file 4. Then she told us to type in our name and date then she told to type our perfect paragraphs. After that we had to go to lunch.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Jennifer's blog

English 6 
English Scores
Hw R.j. 3.1 ch.15/16

Ms. Nakada's is checking our homework if we did it over the weekend and some classmates didn't do it. Today we're writing about "My English Scores" on our notebook and she is checking if we did. We have to write assignments, scores, and grade. Then she is gonna tell us what we did for asighnments, what we got for our score,and what is our grade. Now we are on the Table of Contents and writing Vocabulary I. Then we are writing the word, definition, and example under vocabulary. Now the bell rang and it was the end of the class.                                                                                                                                                           

Thursday, September 15, 2011


RJ 2.2-2.3
HW RJ 2.4 CH.11-12
RJ 2.5 CH.13-14

Ms. Nakada first was doing the attendance then she was checking the homework. Then she moved some kids to different seats. Then Ms.Nakada was going to review the summaries we had to do on Tuesday and Wednesday. And then they started reading The Misfits. They were taking turns to read. Then Atma started reading The Misfits because Andre just finished reading. Also, Ms.Nakada started asking some question about what they call you at home like nick names.

Also Ms. Nakada started asking questions about The Misfits about Bobby. Damien thought that something that they said was disgusting. Ms.Nakada said, "How is it disgusting for you to become a teenager?" Ms.Nakada told Andre to stop reading because he read already and let other people read. Then Ms.Nakada started reading again. Then Ms.Nakada said to take out your STEP-UP TO WRITING and they started talking about green,yellow,red light when to go and when to stop.

Ms. Nakada asked a guestion what do you do on a  red light and someone answered the question that means to stop on a red light. Ms. Nakada said that we were going to do a tree map and it's called favorite foods: hamburgers, mac and cheese and pizza. She said now you could do your own tree map and she said we could write about favorite food or a different subject. Then the class started working queitly on their tree map.

Then they were going to write a paragragh but first you had to finish your tree map. Then, Ms. Nakada started talking about her sibilings beacause that's what she did for her tree map.Then she was checking everbodies tree maps and she said it doesn't have to be neet because were going to type it.Then Ms.Nakada was telling us our alphasmarts number.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jenifer L. BLOG

RJ 2.1
HW RJ 2.2
RJ 2.3

Today is Tuesday, so Ms.Nakada said to Davon to start reading his blog . When he finished reading, Davon had to pick a girl and he picked me. After that, Ms.Nakada checked everybody's homework to see who finished it.Then Ms.Nakada said that she was going to help some of our classmates catch up in the book, while the others read quietly. Then, Ms.Nakada said to the class that they were going to write a small summary.

Ms. Nakada started to ask questions to the class about the Misfits. She was asking those questions to see if the class understands the book and what they are reading. After the class finished with the summary Ms. Nakada gave the class thier homework. She also said that on Wednesday we are not going to see her.

Finally, she dismissed the class.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Davon's cool blog

Step up to Writing 
Hm  Rj 2.1  The Misfits

Ms. Nakada is telling everyone to take out there reading notebook so she can check your notes from Friday.  Now Ms. Nakada wants everyone to get their books out.  Ms. Nakada is talking about Joe at school about Joe at school that Joe is being called names.  We have to read the Misfits pgs. 39-55 for homework.

Ms. Nakada is telling us to write the Step-up to Writing.  We have to draw a circle, one for green and one for yellow. Green was for go or a topic sentence. Yellow was to slow down and give reasons details and facts. That was it. Today was a fun day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Silence's blog

Reading/Writing Notebook: The Writing Process
R.J. 1.1-1.2 check
HW: Enjoy your weekend.

The first that started our class period was Ms. Nakada telling us to fill out our reading log for The Misfits. We started that by filling out what the tittle is then who the author is and then putting the date that we started the book. After filling out our reading log Ms. Nakada showed us an example of how she wants our summaries of the chapters we read daily to look like. Then Ms.Nakada picked kids in  the class to talk a little about the chapters we read. Ms. Nakada started reading a little bit of the chapters and asked questions for us to answer that have to do with the book. After all that Ms. Nakada picks people to act out part of the book. Some of the choosen ones by Ms.Nakada act out the characters Addie, Joe,and Skeezie. We write a summary of chapters 2 and 3 and finally the period ends.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Andre's Blog

English 6
Reading Journals 
The Misfits summaries
Hm The Misfits Ch. 3&4

Ms. Nakada had a lot of new kids in period 4 and she had to sign their program cards. Ms. Nakada told us about our blog and asked us who would like to write our blog for today. I raised my hand and I got picked. After Ms. Nakada picked me to write our blog she had to collect our Course Outlines. There were a couple of kids that forgot to bring the Course Outline with their parent's signature. Ms. Nakada looked and saw if they were the same kids that were here from yesterday and all the kids from yesterday were here so we got to get a point and if we get up to 10 points we get to have a Popsicle Party, Smoothie Party, etc. As Ms. Nakada said yesterday about the uniforms she said it again because a couple of kids did not have the Emerson Uniform on which is Blue or Black pants and Grey or White shirts. Ms. Nakada asked if kids needed flags for their binders and some kids raised their hands because they needed to get some flags. Ms. Nakada asked the new kids to raise their hand so she could get the book that we read yesterday because they weren't here. Then Ms. Nakada asked the new kids when she calls their name to read their number on the book. 

Ms. Nakada asked the class to turn the page and write the date and she asked to write the Misfits page 1 through 22. This is the class's first reading journal. Ms. Nakada and the class is reading the first page of the book The Misfits. Now the class and Ms. Nakada is reading the book. Then Ms. Nakada asked the kids what did they learn from the page. Ms. Nakada asked would anybody else would like to read and she picked one of my classmates Devon. Ms. Nakada asked if any girls would like to read because all the boys were reading. Ms. Nakada had to fix her brightness on the class projector. Ms. Nakada excused one of the kids from class. Ms. Nakada is explaining about the summary we have to do for homework. Ms.Nakada told our class, "Have a seat so can dismiss you," and now she is dismissing kids to go to lunch..............

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ms. Nakada's First Day of School Blog

course outline
HW: The Misfits Ch. 1 - 2

The bell for fourth period rang and in strolled my new sixth grade English class. Everyone found their seats and as students wrote the agenda, I signed program cards. I passed out the course outlines and took roll. I reminded students of the uniform and hopefully everyone will have a collared shirt on tomorrow. :)

We read through the course outline about what students can expect in Ms. Nakada's class (lots of reading and writing). I also went over homework (read 20 pages a night, people) and book projects. We discussed grades and how in middle school you get a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or FAIL) and you also get E (excellent) S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) for work habits and cooperation. I know, it will take some getting used to...

We then went over supplies (paper, pens, notebook for class notes, notebook for reading journals). Donate stuff! It will help keep our class nice!

I passed out copies of The Misfits and reminded students to read the first chapter tonight or during ET. 

We then started our blog and came up with OhEmGee :). So there we have it! Our first blog of the school year...